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< GPR-DI Proportional Pump (M141).July 2019
Package GPR-DI Proportional Pump (M141).July 2019 "BMW N54 Tuning Base 98 Octane 1 bar max boost v7"
GPR-DI Proportional Pump (M141).July 2019
BMW N54 Tuning Base 98 Octane 1 bar max boost v7
GPR-DI Proportional Pump (M141).July 2019
Firmware Version
Upload Date
Release Notes
The Migration Notes lists the changes required, when upgrading, to maintain the same functionality from the previous version.
Current Version (01.11.0041)
System updated to version
Alternative Fuel Volume Compensation added
MoTeC GPS module updated to v1.7.20.
Update system version to
Moves the serial port setup inside the GPS group.
Revert Interface Data Type public property.
Ensure a Diagnostic of Invalid Interface is reported correctly for all hardware types.
Allow any CAN Decode message to set the Diagnostic to OK. Allows GPS Speed message to be received by itself for example.
Help Updates.
Bosch OE Integration module updated to v1.0.30
Update system version to v1.04.00.0091
LIN Wiper, add support for M130 Rev Q. hardware with LIN on Udig 6 / LS Inj 1 and Udig 7 / LS Inj 2.
LIN Wiper, moves the serial port setup inside the LIN Wiper group.
MoTeC Fuel module updated to v1.18.1
System updated to
Allowance for Revolution Lock and Cylinder Lock Engine Speed Reference State in Single, Double, Triple and Quadruple Injector Fuel Volume classes. Required for Batch Fire Injection.
Updated help.
MoTeC Comms module updated to v1.10.3
System updated to v1.04.0091
Migration Notes;
GPS Serial Port Resource
GPS Serial Port Baud Rate
GPS Interface
RS232 Port
Bosch Wiper Serial Port Resource
Bosch Wiper Serial Port Baud Rate
Bosch Wiper
is in use.
Airbox Mass Flow set to Inlet Mass Flow when sensor is not in use or reporting a fault.
Driver Gear Shift Throttle Blip Switch added.
Engine Oil Temperature set to Estimate when Sensor is not in use.
Gear Neutral Delay added.
Gear Neutral & Reverse Switch added to Gear calculation.
Engine Speed Reference Diagnostics ignored by Warning system when Engine State is Stall.
MoTeC Control module updated to v1.12.106.
Boost Pressure Warning Minimum constant set to -200kPag in all boost control classes.
Control Feed Forward converted to a table. Replacing Control Feed Forward Gain and Offset in Servo Motor class.
Control set to Feed Forward when Diagnostic is Sensor Fault in Servo Motor class.
Control and Diagnostic help updated in Servo Motor class.
Error used to determine Servo Control Integral set to zero when in fault in Dual Throttle Servo, Single Throttle Servo, BMW Single Throttle Servo and Boost Control with Dual Servos classes.
MoTeC Input module updated v1.10.39.
Diagnostic Delay validation maximum removed in sensor classes.
CPU efficiency improvements.
MoTeC Output module updated to v1.9.12
Diagnostic disabled when volatage is not available in Fuel Pump Relay class.
Migration Notes;
Boost Servo Actuator Control Feed Forward
Boost Servo
is in use. Initialy this table can be setup with two axis sites (
Boost Servo Actuator Aim
= 0 and 100%). At
Boost Servo Actuator Aim
= 0% set the table value to equal
Boost Servo Actuator Control Feed Forward Offset
from the original package. At
Boost Servo Actuator Aim
= 100% set the table value to equal
Boost Servo Actuator Control Feed Forward Gain
Boost Servo Actuator Control Feed Forward Offset
from the original package.
Checklist added.
Throttle Servo Fault Engine Speed Limit applied when Throttle Servo Bank N Diagnostic is Power Save.
Exhaust Flame added.
MoTeC Launch module updated to v 1.6.11
Engine Speed X axis input object replaced with Vehicle Speed.
Vehicle Speed only used when Vehicle Speed State is not Estimated.
Auxiliary Output 5 Channel modified to handle channel faults.
Exhaust Lambda of unused cylinders not used when determining Exhaust Lambda Bank 1 & 2 values.
Exhaust Temperature of unused cylinders not used when determining Exhaust Temperature Bank 1 & 2 values.
ECU Internal added.
MoTeC keypad module updated to v 1.0.10
Improved integration when using the same keypad in both the M1 and a PDM.
Bosch OE Integration module updated v1.0.29.
Add ABS-M5 v19 type for device serial numbers after 0700.
MoTeC Control module updated v1.12.98.
Error used to determine Servo Control Integral set to zero when in fault in Dual Throttle Servo, Single Throttle Servo, BMW Single Throttle Servo and Boost Control with Dual Servos classes.
Postion Main Voltage Filter can be set externally in Servo Motor class.
Migration Notes;
Disable the Vehicle Speed axis of the
Launch Engine Speed
table if
is in use and
Vehicle Speed
is being estimated.
Auxiliary Output 5 Channel Default
Auxiliary Output 5
is in use.
System updated to version
GPR-DI (M122) configuration added. Based on GPR-DI (M142). New features include:
M122 Hardware.
MoTeC Wastegate Pressure module updated v1.3.16.
Voltage Filter tags can be set externally.
Inlet Manifold Pressure Estimate 'Q' key function updated for when no Inlet Manifold Pressure Sensor is in use.
Migration Notes;
Cruise control added.
MoTeC Keypad module added. Includes support for MoTeC 8/15 Button Keypads and the Rotary Controller.
Gear Shift Ignition Cut, Fuel Cut and Ignition Timing diagnostic Ok enumerator changed to Active.
Coolant Fan 1 and 2 afterrun added to ECU Power Relay.
ECU Power Relay help updated.
Engine Efficiency Airbox Pressure Compensation table and Inlet Manifold Pressure Estimate Main table Quick Adjust function added.
MoTeC GPS module updated to v 1.7.11
GPS Valid channel updated to include 0x1.
Changed to use Buffered CAN Rx which gives a genuine 100Hz update rate.
Remove conditions using GPS FAA Mode in determining a diagnostic of Wait For GPS Fix (CAN and RS232).
When GPS data is received from CAN, change the GPS Diagnostic channel to report Waiting For GPS Fix in the same way as when received on RS232.
Change the position of the GPS Diagnostic RMC Timeout to be a negative integer value. This can be used for fault detection.
MoTeC Control module updated to v 1.12.79
Enable help updated in all Boost classes.
Camshaft Phase class incorrectly assumes Tooth Index will change to indicate position updated bug fixed.
Inlet Manifold Pressure used to determine if Boost Maximum is exceeded. Previously used Boost Pressure.
MoTeC Lap Time module updated to v 1.9.8
GPS Valid check replaced with GPS Diagnostic to match updated GPS module v1.7.11.
Change ignore time to no longer affect Beacon Ticks and Beacon Number.
Fix false GPS beacons at tracks with multiple main beacons.
Incorrect Differential Pressure when alternative Fuel is set to Secondary Fuel bug fixed.
MoTeC Cruise module updated to v 1.5.24
Acceleration Control Limit validation maximum set to 0.15G.
Limit On Switch can be set externally
Cruise Speed Limiting disabled.
Transmission Brake Switch moved to Driver group. No change in functionality
Fuel Cylinder Trim validation limits increased.
Fuel Timing Primary and Secondary Limit and Makeup validation limits increased.
MoTeC Fuel module updated to v1.17.28.
Fuel Injector Trim Input Object Validation limits modified in Single, Double and Triple Fuel Injector Volume class.
Fuel Injector Trim Input Object Validation limits modified in Film Compensation.
Activate Throttle Pedal added to Angle and Dual Closed Loop class.
MoTeC Coolant Fan module updated to v1.6.7.
Test and Enable help updated.
Auxiliary Output 3-5 Activate Throttle Position Minimum must be less than or equal to Throttle Position to enable the output (Previously was only less than).
Migration Notes;
Alternative Fuel Mode
was set to
Secondary Fuel
Engine Efficiency
table will need to be retuned at any sites where the Secondary Injectors were in use. This is because the
Fuel Injector Secondary Differential Pressure
calculation was incorrectly related to the Fuel Pressure and not the Alternative Fuel Pressure in previous versions.
Engine Efficiency Airbox Pressure Compensation
to 0.0%Trim.
Set All
Driver Transmission Brake Switch
settings if
Transmission Brake
is in use.
Fuel Closed Loop Activate Throttle Pedal
to 0.0%.
Fuel Pump polarity can be set by user.
Migration Notes;
Engine Efficiency Boost Pressure Compensation table and Inlet Manifold Pressure Estimate Main table Quick Adjust function added.
Improve Cruise control help.
Migration Notes;
Engine Efficiency Boost Pressure Compensation
to 0%Trim.
Nitrous Bottle Pressure Default added.
Nitrous Bottle Pressure Fuel Mass Flow Trim removed from Fuel Volume calculation when not in use.
Nitrous Bottle Pressure Warning added.
Vehicle Speed axis added to Airbox Pressure Estimate Offset.
All Driver Switches Old Name (Migration) removed.
Updated Driver Switch help with default positions when not in use.
MoTeC PDM module updated v1.4.7.
CAN receive method reworked to support multiple iterations of this module in a firmware.
Updated received channels for PDM firmware v1.91A.
Fuel Trim All Cylinder parameter added. To quick lambda all individual cylinders simultaneously.
Gear Shift Timing not updated bug fixed.
Anti Lag State axis added to Exhaust Temperature Fuel Mixture Aim table.
Anti Lag State axis added to Inlet Air Temperature Fuel Mixture Aim table.
MoTeC Anti Lag module updated v1.5.7.
Help updated to describe how to use Anti Lag system without ignition and fuel cut (i.e. retard only).
MoTeC Control updated v1.12.70.
Pin Threshold input type can be set externally in Camshaft Phase class.
MoTeC Warning module updated v1.4.12.
Exceeded channel set to NAN when measurement is NAN in Minimum Maximum warning with Limits class.
Bosch OE Integration module updated v1.0.21.
Removed the writing of Firmware resources 29, 30 and 31 which is ABS Active, ABS Lamp and EBD Lamp.
Removed Roll Acceleration channel.
Yaw Acceleration only written if M4 is selected.
Revised CAN receive method to improve efficiency.
Revised CAN transmit method (no change in functionality).
Fixed firmware 27 write, had Yaw Rate, should have been Roll Rate.
Added ABS Switch Position Index data type to the public properties.
Migration Notes;
Nitrous Bottle Pressure Default
, If
is in use.
Airbox Pressure Estimate Offset
Exhaust Temperature Fuel Mixture Aim
Inlet Air Temperature Fuel Mixture Aim
PDM CAN Timeout
, If
is in use.
Fuel Composition Boost Limits only apply when the sensor provides a valid value.
Transmission Brake Output Duty Cycle bug fixed.
Auxiliary Output 1-5 Vehicle Speed Activate bug fixed.
MoTeC Ambient Pressure module updated v1.3.4.
Ambient Pressure Estimate Not in Use bug fixed.
MoTeC Wastegate Pressure Control module updated v1.3.15.
Large pressure value when not in use bug fixed.
MoTeC Input module updated v1.10.23.
Old Name cleared from all Resources.
Top Dead Centre help updated.
MoTeC Comms module updated v1.10.2.
Not in Use added to Serial Port class.
Bosch OE Integration module updated v1.0.18.
Wiper LIN messaging corrected.
Migration Notes;
Set desired the
RS232 Baud Rate
. If not required set
RS232 Baud Rate
Not in Use
Set desired the
LIN Baud Rate
. If not required set
LIN Baud Rate
Not in Use
MoTeC Control module updated to v1.12.65.
Warning module updated to include Fuel Mass Limit.
MoTeC Coolant Fan module updated to v1.6.5.
Generic fan class added.
MoTeC Fuel module updated to v1.17.11.
Warning module updated to include Fuel Mass Limit.
MoTeC Warning module updated to v1.4.11.
Fuel Mass Limit added to Minimum Maximum warning with Limits class.
Exceeded channel added to Minimum Maximum warning with Limits class.
Engine Speed, Torque, Throttle and Fuel Mass Limit defaulted to constant in Minimum Maximum Warning with Limits class.
Migration Notes;
Engine Speed Pin Hysteresis axis sites increased to 6.
Engine Overrun Ignition Timing Advance and Retard Rate minimum validation limit increased to 2deg/s.
Not exiting idle during zero throttle downshift (No gear shift system) bug fixed.
Throttle reduction on upshifts with recovery added to Gear Shift.
Extended Gear Shift clutch disengaged calculation.
Vehicle Speed activate condition added to Auxiliary Output 1-5.
Vehicle Speed axis added to Auxiliary Output 2 and 3 Duty Cycle.
Auxiliary Output 5 Channel converted to Hybrid Sensor.
Ignition Timing State and Ignition Timing Cut State ECU CAN transmit value changed to unsigned.
Turbocharger Bank 1 and 2 Speed, Temperature Inlet, Temperature Outlet and Pressure Inlet added to ECU CAN transit (0x6A6-7).
Migration Notes;
Gear Shift Throttle Aim
Engine Overrun Ignition Timing Advance Rate
Engine Overrun Ignition Timing Retard Rate
is greater than 2deg/s, if
Engine Overrun
is in use.
Auxiliary Output N Activate Vehicle Speed Maximum
of any Auxiliary Outputs that are in use.
Update any M1_General_0x640 CAN templates to M1_General_0x640_Version 5.
Update any M1_General_0x6A0 CAN template to M1_General_0x6A0_Version 1.
Engine Overrun Ignition Timing Limit Advance not tracking Engine Overrun Ignition Timing Target bug fixed.
Migration Notes;
Bosch ABS M4 changed to Bosch ABS (M4 and M5).
Bosch Wiper added.
LIN system added to run Bosch Wiper.
Bosch Sensor (MM5.10) added.
Vehicle Roll and Pitch with Rate Sensors added.
Duty Cycle parameter added to Coolant Pump Test.
Engine Speed Axis added to Coolant Pressure Warning.
Gear Shift Throttle Aim can be set for upshifts. This allows for torque reductions, during an upshift, by reducing the throttle opening.
Gear Shift Engine Speed Mode (Up, Down, Power On, Power Off) and Gear Shift Current (Current Gear as updated by Gear Shift) axes added to Gear Shift Engine Speed Limit Ignition Range, Fuel Range and Fuel Margin.
Idle Mass Flow Disabled parameter added to fix the position of an Idle Stepper Motor or Solenoid when Idle is Disabled.
Transmission Pump Relay cycling when in fault mode bug fixed.
M1 General 0x650 version number updated to 5. M1 General 0x6A0 version number added.
Engine Oil Temperature Engine Speed Limit activating when no oil temperature sensor is used bug fixed.
Inlet Air Temperature axis added to Engine Charge Cooling Primary and Engine Charge Cooling Secondary tables. The purpose of this extra axis is to compensate for the change in fuel evaporation which occurs due to change in inlet air temperature..
Engine Overrun Ignition Timing Target converted to a table with engine speed as the axis.
Condition to exit Idle when Gear value changes added.
MoTeC Control updated to v 1.12.61
Added Boost Pressure Default and change the fallback strategy.
Fix Boost Maximum when using a Boost Pressure Sensor.
Boost Pressure Warning enabled when Boost Pressure is above Boost Activate (previously was enabled when above 0).
MoTeC Warning updated to v 1.4.8
System updated to version
GPR-DI Proportional Pump (M141 and M142) configurations added. Based on GPR-DI (M141 and M142). New features include:
Fuel Pressure Direct Bank 1 changed to Proportional Valve Direct Injection Pump class.
Bosch OE Integration module updated to v1.0.12
Various updates
Bosch ABS class added. This supersedes Bosch ABS M4 class.
Type parameter added to Bosch ABS class. This type parameter allows users to select between Bosch M4 and M5 ABS units.
Extra CAN messaging for Bosch M5 ABS unit added to Bosch ABS class.
ABS Position Switch added to Bosch ABS class added. This position switch is transmitted via CAN to the Bosch ABS (M5 Only) module.
ABS Position Switch transmit message length corrected.
System updated to version
MoTeC Input module added.
Firmware resources modified in Bosch ABS class.
Roll Rate and Acceleration added to Bosch ABS class.
Bosch LIN Wiper class added.
Bosch Inertial Sensor MM510 class CAN ID Message format changed to hexadecimal.
Stopped Bosch ABS class writing to Firmware Resources when CAN Bus is Not in Use.
MoTeC Ambient Pressure module updated to v 1.3.3
Estimate Mode parameter added to Ambient Pressure class.
Estimate only used if Mode is Enabled and an Inlet Manifold Pressure Senor is in use.
MoTeC Anti Lag module updated to v 1.5.2
Recovery State added to Anti Lag Fuel Cut, Ignition Cut and Ignition Timing help.
MoTeC Control updated to v 1.12.55
Gear Shift State converted to a data type in Dual Boost Control.
Pressure Warning added to all Boost Control classes.
Input tags removed from Throttle Servo classes.
MoTeC Coolant Fan module updated to v 1.6.4
Enable Coolant Temperature Hysteresis changed to Temperature Delta.
MoTeC Fuel module updated to v1.17.9
Duty Cycle Warning added to Port Injector Rotary and Port Injector Saturated class.
Maximum Validation Limit removed from Fault Delay of Fuel Closed Loop Classes.
Fuel Closed Loop going into fault after long overrun bug fixed.
MoTeC GPS module updated to v 1.7.7
GPS Altitude channel resolution reduced to 1m to increase max altitude when received from dash.
GPS Valid channel incorrect when received from dash bug fixed.
MoTeC Input module updated to v 1.10.22
Pressure sensor may use Hybrid resource.
Add Mass Air Flow type with Hybrid resource (requires Schema update from MoTeC Online)
Add Mapping Not in Use to Indexed switch, used when Index is Not in Use.
Add Index of Default to Indexed Switch, allows Mapping Default to set the switch value manually.
Latchable Switch class modified to improve migration from Universal Switch class.
Engine Speed parameter for Turbocharger Speed class Diagnostic added.
Diagnostic public properties can be set externally on Voltage class.
MoTeC LTC module updated to v1.9.2
Add 'Vs' channel to receive from LTCN.
MoTeC Lap Time module updated to v 1.9.3
System updated to version
Modules Updated
MoTeC Output module updated to v1.9.8
Hold minimum validation set to 0 in Fuel Pump Relay class.
MoTeC Warning module updated to v 1.4.7
Change Warning with torque limit to Warning with Limits.
Add Throttle Limit option to warning.
Fixed behaviour if warning reactivates before the reset delay expires (stays in Limit).
Changed behaviour, the activate and limit delays are applied only after the system is enabled.
Hysteresis Quantity and Display Unit can be set independent of Minimum and Maximum.
Hysteresis validation bug fixed.
MoTeC Wastegate Pressure Control module updated to v 1.3.14
Remove integral term from closed loop control. This is a self integrating control system.
Remove dead band timer (control stops the moment the dead band is entered) .
Split Actuator Minimum setting into increase and decrease settings respectively.
Correct help.
Fix issue where a large value for Pressure could be displayed when the sensor was not in use or in fault.
Update code refinement.
All Temperature Hysteresis Quantities changed to Temperature Delta.
Driver Fuel Mixture Aim Main Switch added to Alternative Fuel Mixture Aim axis.
Driver Fuel Ignition Timing Main Switch added to Alternative Fuel Ignition Timing and Alternative Fuel Ignition Timing Blend axis.
Faulty MAP sensor causing incorrect calculation of differential pressure bug fixed.
Auxiliary Output inverted duty cycle bug fixed.
Clutch Slip calculated as speed difference. Clutch Slip Ratio channel added.
Coolant Pressure and Transmission Pressure update rates increased to 50Hz.
Driver, Air Conditioner Request and Transmission Brake Switches converted to Latchable Switch class.
Engine Speed axes added to ECU Battery Diagnostic High and Low.
Flex Fuel CAN tranmit code refinement.
Auxiliary Output 1-5 Output Duty Cycles added to ECU CAN Transmit message 0x6A0-1.
Anti Lag Mode, Auxiliary Time, Boost Limit Disable, Engine Speed Limit Maximum, Fuel Mixture Aim Main Gear Shift, Ignition Timing Main, Race Time Reset, Throttle Pedal Translation, Transmission Brake Bump and Wheel Circumference Driver Switches added to ECU CAN Transmit message 0x64E.
Auxiliary Output 1-5 Output Duty Cycles added to ECU CAN Transmit message 0x6A0-1.
ECU CAN Transmit v5.
Driver Rotary Switches 7 and 8 added to ECU CAN Transmit message 0x65C.
Engine Run Time Total maximum value increased to 37282 hours with 8s resolution.
Engine Oil Temperature Engine Speed Limit added.
fuel Injector Primary and Secondary Duty Cycle Warning added to port injectors.
Engine Oil Pressure and Crankcase Pressure update rates increased to 100Hz..
Race Time Boost limit modified to only be applied when Race Time is greater than 0 and less than this tables maximum Race Time axis site.
Exhaust Lambda update Rates increased.
Fuel Used Correction reverted to parameter to fix calculation bug.
Fuel Injector Secondary Contribution affecting primary injectors when no secondary injector resources are assigned bug fixed..
Race Time Fuel Mixture Aim modified to only be applied when Race Time is greater than 0 and less than this tables maximum Race Time axis site.
Anti Lag Recovery State added to Anti Lag Fuel Cut, Ignition Cut and Ignition Timing.
Fuel Composition and Exhaust Temperature Boost Limits only apply when the sensor provides a valid value.
Delay only added to Gear Estimate non-forward gear detection.
Gear Estimate Tolerance converted to a table.
Reverse Switch added for improved Gear Estimate detection.
Idle Stepper holding incorrect position bug fixed.
Test mode with step Aim added to Idle Actuator Stepper.
Ignition Test Timing validation limits increased.
Nitrous Engine Speed Limit condition incorrectly disabled if Traction is enabled bug fixed.
Nitrous Fuel Volume Compensation replace with Nitrous Fuel Mass Flow to fix calculation bug.
Nitrous Bottle Pressure Fuel Mass Flow Trim added.
Race Time Ignition Timing Trim, fuel Mixture Aim. Boost Limit, throttle Limit and Update rate increased to 100Hz.
Clutch Slip included in Traction Engine Speed Limit calculation.
Throttle Pedal Translation Switch converted to Indexed Nine Position Switch.
Transmission Brake Bump Doesn't work when no Throttle Servo bug fixed.
Warning Mode for ECU Battery Diagnostic added.
Various help updates.
Fuel Output Drive Value setting bug fixed.
M1 Build updated v1.4.1.109+ Help XML Formatting and Compile Options.
Engine Overrun Request channel added
System updated to version
MoTeC Control module updated to version 1.12.46.
Cruise (MoTeC Cruise module version 1.3.2) and Cruise Driver Switches added.
MoTeC Output module updated to version 1.9.6.
LIN communications added.
Build upgraded to version 1.4.1.
All GP variants combined into GP Master Project.
Previous version: 01.07.0005
Package Notes
From BMW N54 Tuning Base 98 Octane 1 bar max boost v6
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