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< Yamaha FX SVHO 2019 (M150).June 2020

Package Yamaha FX SVHO 2019 (M150).June 2020 "Yamaha FX SVHO 2019 Start File v5"

Yamaha FX SVHO 2019 (M150).June 2020
Yamaha FX SVHO 2019 Start File v5
Yamaha FX SVHO 2019 (M150).June 2020

Make Model Model Year Target Integration Type
Yamaha FX 2019 PWC Engine Tuning Base ECU

Release Notes
The Migration Notes lists the changes required, when upgrading, to maintain the same functionality from the previous version.

Current Version (1.02.0271)


  • MoTeC Exhaust Module updated to v01.00.0016.
    • Public Properties updated.


  • Exhaust Temperature Cylinder Fuel Volume Trim table added.
  • Exhaust Temperature Cylinder N Fuel Volume Trim Channel added.
  • Fuel Cylinder N Trim group added.
  • Fuel Cylinder N Trim table renamed to Fuel Cylinder Trim Main.
  • Supercharger Air Temperature group renamed to Supercharger Outlet Air Temperature.
  • Coolant Pressure Warning Delay Enable Changed from constant to parameter.
  • Engine Speed Limit Increase Rate parameter is ignored when Launch changes to disabled.
  • Migration Notes
    • Ensure Fuel Cylinder N Trim Main table is equal to Fuel Cylinder N Trim from original package.


  • Fuel Pressure Control Pump Motor Volts updated so it can disable voltage correction for use with fuel pump control modules.


  • MoTeC Warning module reverted back to v01.04.0021.


  • Engine Start Throttle Lever Maximum parameter added.
  • Engine Start Gear Override group removed.


  • MoTeC Fuel Module updated to v01.18.0039.
    • Fuel Properties Density updated for gasoline to match calibration value of 755kg/m^3.
    • Location data type can be set externally in Port Injector Class.
  • MoTeC Warning Module updated to v01.04.0023.
    • Minimum System updated to version
    • Mode data type change to subsystem Enable Enumeration.
    • Boost Limit added to Minimum Maximum Warning with Limits class.
  • MoTeC OE Yamaha FX SVHO 2019 module updated to v1.00.0041.
    • Firmware resource index help added.


  • Throttle Test Aim Minimum Validation changed to -100%.
  • MoTeC Control module updated to v1.12.129.
    • Throttle Test Aim Input object minimum validation set to -100% in Dual and Single Throttle Servo Class.
    • Update Warning module version.
  • MoTeC Warning module updated to v1.04.021.
    • Mode Toggle removed from Minimum Maximum Warning and Minimum Maximum warning with Limits Classes.
    • External count reset added to Minimum Maximum Warning and Minimum Maximum Warning With limits classes.
    • Count Limit added which activates any of the configured warning limits while the count is above the count limit.


  • PWC M170 and PWC M190 configurations added. Based on PWC M130 and M150 respectively.


  • ECU Transmit Updated.
    • Fuel Tank Level 1 channel added.
    • Fuel Tank Level 2 channel factor changed.
    Migration Notes
    • Update M1_Watercraft_0x6A0 Template to v7.


  • System Version update to
  • MoTeC Fuel Module updated to 1.018.0035.
    • Closed Loop Diagnostic reporting update.


  • ECU Transmit Updates.
    • Fuel Tank 2 Level start bit overlap bug fixed.
    • Gear Position start bit overlapped bug fixed.
    • Gear Position Sensor Main Volt start bit updated.
    • Gear Ratio start bit updated.
    • Fuel Pump State start bit updated.
    • Gear Shift Request Diagnostic removed from 100Hz.
    • Gear Shift Request removed from 100Hz.
    • Gear Shift State removed from 100Hz.
    • Gear Shift Servo Diagnostics removed from 100Hz.
    • Gear Shift Position Diagnostics removed from 100Hz.
    • Gear Position Sensor Main Voltage removed from 100Hz.
    • Gear Position removed from 100Hz.
    • Gear Shift Mode removed from 100Hz.
    Migration Notes
    • Update M1_Watercraft_0x6A0 Template to v6.
    • Update M1_Watercraft 0x640 Template to v2.


  • ECU Transmit Updated.
    • Engine Oil Temperature signal length changed from 10 to 11 bits.
    • Boost Aim signal length changed from 8 to 9 bits.
    Migration Notes
    • Update M1_PWC_Reduced_0x640 Template to v2.


  • ECU Transmit Compile Conditions updated.


  • Fuel Water Content Switch help updated.


  • Gear Engine Speed Limit table added.


  • MoTeC OE Yamaha FX SVHO 2019 module updated to v01.00.0040.
    • Engine Temperature Switch added as criteria to trigger Engine Temperature High warning message.


  • Engine Start updated.


  • Reverted Fuel Closed Loop back to v01.02.0179.
  • Reverted Knock back to v01.02.0151.
  • Gear Position Sensor changed back to Normalised Tracking.


  • Boost Aim Main Table axis changed from Throttle Position to Throttle Lever.
  • Migration Notes
    • Confirm Boost Aim Main table values are correct for the new Throttle Lever axis.


  • Engine Efficiency table moved to Engine Efficiency Main.
  • Engine Stop Delay validation minimum allow 0ms value, which disables this delay.
  • ECU Transmit Updated.
    • Propeller Moving channel Added.
  • ECU Transmit Reduced Mode added.
    • Wastegate updated.
  • Inlet Manifold Pressure State added.
  • MoTeC OE Yamaha FXSVHO 2019 Module updated to v01.00.0035.
    • Reverse Bucket Position Help Updated.
    Migration Notes.
    • Update M1_Watercraft_6A0 Template to V5.


  • Fuel Water Content Switch added.


  • MoTeC Control Module updated to v1.12.0127.
    • Boost Control with Servo Class Control Diagnostic Help updated.
  • Checklists added.


  • Gear Position Sensor type changed from Normalised Tracking to Normalised.
  • MoTeC Input Module Updated to v1.10.0071.
    • Normalised Class Diagnostic updated.
  • ECU Transmit Updated.
    • Fuel Closed Loop Control Bank 1 Diag Channel length updated.
    • Fuel Closed Loop Control Bank 2 Diag Channel start bit and length updated.
    • Fuel Closed Loop State channel start bit updated.
    • Fuel Cut State channel start bit updated.
    • Fuel Mixture Aim Main Switch channel start bit updated.
    • Fuel Mixture Aim Trim Switch channel start bit updated.
    • Fuel Pressure Warning channel start bit updated.
    • Fuel State channel start bit updated.
    • Fuel Tank Level start bit updated.
    • Fuel Water Content start bit updated.
    • Fuel Temperature channel start bit updated.
    • Fuel Pump State channel address changed.
    • Gear Pos Sensor Main Volt channel start bit updated.
    • Gear Ratio channel start bit updated.
    Migration Notes.
    • Confirm settings for Gear Position Sensor.
    • Confirm Settings for Gear Shift Request Sensor.
    • Update M1_Watercraft 6A0 Template to v4.


  • MoTeC Exhaust Module added
    • Current Version 1.00.0012
  • Exhaust Temperature Cylinder N Fuel Volume Trim added
  • MoTeC Ignition Module updated to v1.11.18
  • Exhaust Bank 1 Response added
  • Exhaust Bank 2 Response added
  • Gear Neutral Switch added
  • Voltage Class added to all outputs
  • Fuel Cut Estimate added
  • Open Current Parameter added to all Auxiliary Outputs
  • Pin Output added to all Auxiliary Outputs


  • Water Temperature added and added to ECU Transmit message 0x6A0
  • Migration Notes
    • Update M1 Watercraft 0x6A0 CAN template to V3


  • ECU Transmit Custom CAN added
  • MoTeC Comms Module updated to 1.10.25
    • 800kbps baud rate added to CAN Bus class.


  • MoTeC Control Module Updated to 1.12.123.
    • Actuator Output resource no longer required for Boost control to be active.
    • Boost Control system will now operate without assigning a Boost Solenoid Normal Output Resource in Boost with Servo class.
  • Neutral Gear only option added to Engine Overrun Mode.


  • Cruise updates.
  • Slow Speed Enable Delay added. This overrides the hardcoded 1s delay when enabling slow Speed.
  • Migration Notes;
    • Set Slow Speed Enable Delay to 1.0s.


  • Renamed No Wake to Slow Speed with various updates to the feature.


  • Engine Efficiency Table load axis extended to 41 sites.
  • Fuel Mixture Aim Clamp lowered to 0.3LA


  • Anti Lag Shutdown Exhaust Temperature refers to Exhaust Temperature Maximum.
  • Engine Speed Limit Increase and Decrease Rate added. This controls the rate at which the Engine Speed Limit increases or decreases.
  • Engine Overrun Vehicle Speed condition can be ignored by setting Engine Overrun Vehicle Speed Threshold to 0km/h.
  • Gear axis added to Idle Ignition Timing Advance Control Proportional Gain.
  • Exhaust Temperature Boost Limit table axis channel changed to Exhaust Temperature Maximum.
  • Exhaust Temperature Fuel Mixture Aim table axis channel changed to Exhaust Temperature Maximum.
  • Idle Throttle Pedal Blend internally clamped so that the blend point cannot exceed 100%.
  • Idle State can get stuck in Test when Actuator Solenoid Resource is Not in Use bug fixed.
  • Throttle Aim set to NaN from Anti Lag Throttle Aim bug fixed.
  • Throttle Limit Increase and Decrease added. This controls the rate at which the Throttle Limit increases or decreases.
  • System updated to version
  • MoTeC Control module updated v1.12.122.
    • Throttle Servo 2 (includes SENT Secure Serial Decode Type) calibration schema added to Dual Throttle Servo and Single Throttle Servo classes.
    • Minimum M1 System version updated to
    • Temperature added to Boost with Servo and Boost with Dual Servo classes.
    • Actuator Fault Duty Cycle & Delay added to drive the Actuator to the fully open position when Actuator Diagnostic reports a fault in the Boost with Servo and Boost with Dual Servo classes.
    • Static Duty Cycle Test added to Single Throttle Servo and Dual Throttle Servo classes.
    • Update Boost Control with Servo class:
      • Servo Activate conditions added.
      • Servo Power Save Delay added.
      • Servo Actuator Test options added.
      • Servo Actuator Model added.
      • Servo Actuator Position Sensor Tracking with limited range support added.
      • Boost Pressure axis added to Servo Actuator Control Feed Forward table.
      • Servo Actuator Control Integral Negative Clamp added.
      • Force close when Aim is 0% to ensure the gate is fully shut. The zero position is tracked at this time to allow for changes due to thermal expansion.
      • Reset servo fault when throttle position is lifted.
      • Auto zero Servo Position Sensor on ECU power up.
      • Servo Temperature added.
      • Servo Actuator Fault Duty Cycle & Delay added to drive the Servo Actuator to the fully open position when Servo Actuator Diagnostic reports a fault.
  • MoTeC Input Module update to v1.10.58.
    • Fix, a NaN value and Diagnostic of Ok could be reported at the same time on power up. Issue affected most classes.
    • Add Diagnostic Delay to Voltage class.
    • Remove 'Diagnostic Delay' validation maximum.
    Migration Notes;
    • If Boost Servo is in use;
      • Set Boost Servo Default Overrun Position. Typically 0% to assist holding or building boost during overrun conditions.
      • Configure Boost Servo Actuator Control Feed Forward if Boost Servo is in use. Initially this table can be setup with two axis sites (Boost Servo Actuator Aim = 0 and 100%). At Boost Servo Actuator Aim = 0% set the table value to equal Boost Servo Actuator Control Feed Forward Offset from the original package. At Boost Servo Actuator Aim = 100% set the table value to equal Boost Servo Actuator Control Feed Forward Gain + Boost Servo Actuator Control Feed Forward Offset from the original package.
      • Set Boost Servo Actuator Control Integral Negative Clamp to equal Boost Servo Actuator Control Integral Minimum from the original package.
      • Confirm Boost Servo Actuator Position closely follows the Boost Servo Actuator Aim when performing a step test using Boost Servo Actuator Test.


  • MoTeC OE Yamaha FX SVH0 2019 module update to v1.0.31
    • Dash User Lock Override function added


  • Speed Only Engine Output Test added.


  • System updated to version
  • Support for Batch Fire fuel injection added.
  • GPS via RS232 functionality added for M130 (Rev Q+) and M122 ECU's.
  • MoTeC GPS Module update to v1.7.21.
    • Serial Port Resource and Baud rate can be set externally.
    • Update system version to
    • Add support for M130 Rev Q. hardware with RS232 Rx on Udig 6 and 7.
    • Moves the serial port setup inside the GPS group.
    • Ensure a Diagnostic of Invalid Interface is reported correctly for all hardware types.
    • Allow any CAN Decode message to set the Diagnostic to OK. Allows GPS Speed message to be received by itself for example.
    • Help Updates.
  • MoTeC Fuel Module update to v1.18.1
    • System update to
    • Allowance for Revolution Lock and Cylinder Lock Engine Speed Reference State in Single, Double, Triple and Quadruple Injector Fuel Volume classes. Required for Batch Fire Injection.
  • MoTeC Input Module update to v1.10.36.
    • Remove 'Diagnostic Delay' validation maximum.
    • Resource re-ordered in latchable switch class.
  • MoTeC Comms Module updated to 1.10.3
    • System updated to v1.04.0091.
    • Serial Port class removed.
    Migration Notes:
    • Set GPS Serial Port Resource and GPS Serial Port Baud if GPS Interface is RS232 Port.


  • Cruise updated.
  • No Wake updated.
  • MoTeC OE Yamaha FX SVHO 2019 module updated to v 1.0.30
    • Drive Mode replaced with Drive Control Speed and Drive Control Acceleration which are written to firmware resources 10 and 11.
    • Auto Trim added and written to firmware resources 12.
    • Cruise and No Wake added to Dash CAN.
    • Dash keep alive CAN updated.
  • Driver Vehicle Speed Limit Acceleration Switch added.
  • Vehicle Speed Limit added.
  • Migration Notes:
    • Set Cruise Enable Throttle Lever Hysteresis to Cruise Throttle Lever Hysteresis from the old package.


  • Race Time axis added to Fuel Mixture Aim Trim.


  • Engine Start updated.


  • Engine Run updated to be disabled by Engine Start Switch when Type is Push Button.


  • Vehicle Tip Over updated to include a delay.


  • MoTeC OE SeaDoo RXTX module updated to v 1.0.12
    • RXTX 2018 and 2019 models added.
  • Throttle Aim set to Idle while Seadoo Braking.
  • Gear Shift Mode bug fixed.
  • Vehicle Speed Limit from Seadoo Cruise added.
  • Vehicle Tip Over Warning removed.
  • Engine Start updated.
  • MoTeC OE Yamaha FX SVHO 2019 module updated to v 1.0.18
    • User Lock updated.
  • Engine Start and Run modified to suit updated Yamaha User Lock.


  • Engine Start Delay added.
  • MoTeC OE Yamaha FX SVHO 2019 module updated to v 1.0.16
    • Reverse Command state changes updated.
    • User Lock updated.
  • Engine Start and Run modified to suit updated Yamaha User Lock.


  • Throttle Limit added to all Warnings.


  • Throttle Servo Fault Engine Speed Limit applied when Throttle Servo Bank N Diagnostic is Power Save.
  • LTC enable strategy improved to better suit marine applications.
  • Gear Source added.
  • Engine Run Time Reset Value added.
  • MoTeC OE Yamaha FX SVHO 2019 module updated to v 1.0.15
    • CAN Updates.
    • Reverse Throttle Aim updated to include Bucket Position Threshold & Hysteresis.
    • Reverse Command state changes updated.
    Migration Notes:
    • Set Yamaha Reverse Throttle Aim Bucket Position Threshold.


  • Engine Oil Temperature Estimate available when sensor is not in use.
  • Engine Oil Pressure Low Switch updated.


  • Fuel Tank Level Warning and Warning Light added.


  • Engine Oil Pressure Low Switch Engine Speed Minimum and Hysteresis added.


  • Engine Start updated.
  • Engine Stop updated.
  • Engine Oil Pressure Low Switch updated.


  • MoTeC OE Yamaha FX SVHO 2019 module updated to v 1.0.5
    • CAN Updates.
  • Forward 2 removed from Gear.


  • Ignition current Source always enabled
  • MoTeC OE Yamaha FX SVHO 2019 module updated to v 1.0.4
    • CAN Updates.


  • MoTeC OE Yamaha FX SVHO 2019 module updated to v 1.0.3
    • CAN Updates.
    • Power Relays updated.


  • Vehicle speed updated.
  • MoTeC OE Yamaha FX SVHO 2019 module updated to v 1.0.2
    • CAN Updates.


  • M1 General 0x640 CAN Template reverted to version 5.
  • M1 General 0x650 CAN Template reverted to version 5.
  • M1 General 0x6A0 CAN Template reverted to version 1.
  • Engine Stop Switch bug fixed.
  • Engine Starter Motor renamed to Engine Start Motor.
  • Migration Notes:
    • Update any M1_General_0x640 CAN templates to M1_General_0x640_Version 5.
    • Update any M1_General_0x650 CAN templates to M1_General_0x650_Version 5.
    • Update any M1_General_0x6A0 CAN template to M1_General_0x6A0_Version 1.


  • Coolant Pump added.
  • Engine Start updated.
  • Engine Starter Motor updated.
  • Engine Stop Switch added.
Package Notes

Make: Yamaha

Model: FX

Model Year: 2019

Target: PWC

Integration type: Engine Tuning Base ECU

Engine Variant: SVHO

Fuel: Petrol / Gasoline

Fuel Octane: 98 RON

Injectors: OEM Std.

Cams: OEM Std.

Compression: 8.5:1

Cylinder head(s): OEM Std.

Exhaust manifold: OEM Std.

Inlet manifold: OEM Std.

Supercharger: OEM Std.

Waste gate: N/A.

Ignition system: OEM Std.

Coils: OEM Std.

Idle control: OEM Std. DBW

Boost control: N/A

Restrictor: N/A

Throttle: OEM Std.

CAN Nodes: Vehicle

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